Guatemala in favor of endangered fauna

quetzal en peligro de extincion

The Government of Guatemala, strives through various agencies such as the National Council of Protected Areas (CONAP), to create protected areas for these species, but without the awareness of all of us, we will lead to the disappearance of these beautiful specimens.

Next, in this article we will mention the most threatened endangered animals in Guatemala.


At present, its distribution covers 58% of the territory, 47.2 of which is in preserved areas, having lost 37% of its natural habitat.

However, in the 2.5 million hectares of the Mayan Biosphere Reserve located in the northern part of this country is where most of these mammals are found, with an estimated total of 345 jaguars that maintain a continuous genetic exchange with the bordering jaguars of the countries of Mexico and Belize.

quetzal centroamerica

This feline lives almost everywhere in the Americas, from the Yucon in Canada to as far south as the Andes Mountains in Chile and Patagonia in Argentina.

This feline lives almost everywhere in the Americas, from the Yucon in Canada to as far south as the Andes Mountains in Chile and Patagonia in Argentina.

The loss of its habitat, the scarcity of its natural food and the deaths caused by cattle ranchers living near its habitats, has caused the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) to recently change the puma’s status from Least Concern to Near Threatened or Vulnerable.


The Tapir in Guatemala was present until the 1950s basically in all regions of the country, but its indiscriminate hunting and the loss of its habitat caused that nowadays they can only be observed in the tropical forests of the areas above 2,000 meters in the regions of Petén, Alta Verapaz, Baja Verapaz, Quiché, Izabale, El Progreso, and Zacapa.

Currently, the IUCN has catalogued the Guatemalan tapir as Endangered.


It is a nocturnal feline that inhabits tropical rainforests located between the altitudes of 1,00 to 1,500 meters above sea level in Central and South America.

The loss of its natural habitat due mostly to uncontrolled logging and agriculture and its illegal hunting for the commercialization of its skin has caused the International Union for Conservation of Nature to catalog the ocelot as a vulnerable species, although as we have already mentioned above in many places its population is almost nonexistent.


Collared macaw

The scarlet macaw, also known by its scientific name Ara Macao, is one of the largest birds belonging to the family of psittacines to which parrots, parakeets and macaws are grouped.

The scarlet macaw, also known by its scientific name Ara Macao, is one of the largest birds belonging to the family of psittacines to which parrots, parakeets and macaws are grouped.

The population of the scarlet macaw in the past was one, although from the 1940s it was divided into two subspecies that inhabited the south coast of Guatemala and the other the north coast, specifically in the Petén region.

If we add to this the illegal hunting of these beautiful birds to sell them on the black market as pets, the IUCN has catalogued the scarlet macaw within its red list as a species of least concern and this is due to the increasing protection of its sanctuaries.

scarlet macaw

The Quetzal

The Quetzal is also known by its scientific name Pharomacrus mocinno. This beautiful bird is a medium-sized bird whose length is between 36 to 40 cm, the male has a large tail that can reach up to 65 cm long.

The Quetzal is also known by its scientific name Pharomacrus mocinno.

Unfortunately, the quetzal is listed as near-threatened on the IUCN endangered species list and its population is declining every year at such a rapid rate that in a very short time it could even disappear. More and more endangered species in Guatemala are on the verge of extinction, without help from all the inhabitants, little by little this great country will be left without the exquisite fauna that surrounds it.

quetzal centroamerica

In Guatemala it is not as endangered as in other countries such as Argentina and Ecuador, where it is considered endangered.

jaguar in guatemala

Spider monkey

The uncontrolled deforestation of Guatemala’s primary and secondary forests causes habitat loss and food shortages. On the other hand, the population that coexists with the spider monkey appreciates its meat, so illegal hunting influences the decrease of its population.

What the illegal buyers of the spider monkey’s offspring ignore is that since they are so small, they cannot survive without their mother and end up dying of sadness or starvation.

guatemala spider monkey

White-tailed deer

At present, due to uncontrolled hunting over the last few years, the white-tailed deer can only be found in small reserves in Guatemala and its hunting is totally prohibited.

The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) has cataloged the white-tailed deer as less vulnerable so hopefully the current protection available to this species will allow it to leave the list of endangered species.

venado cola blanca guatemala


This feline lives almost everywhere in the Americas, from the Yucon in Canada to as far south as the Andes Mountains in Chile and Patagonia in Argentina.

This feline lives almost everywhere in the Americas, from the Yucon in Canada to as far south as the Andes Mountains in Chile and Patagonia in Argentina.

The loss of its habitat, the scarcity of its natural food and the deaths caused by cattle ranchers living near its habitats, has caused the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) to recently change the puma’s status from Least Concern to Near Threatened or Vulnerable.


The Tapir in Guatemala was present until the 1950s basically in all regions of the country, but its indiscriminate hunting and the loss of its habitat caused that nowadays they can only be observed in the tropical forests of the areas above 2,000 meters in the regions of Petén, Alta Verapaz, Baja Verapaz, Quiché, Izabale, El Progreso, and Zacapa.

Currently, the IUCN has catalogued the Guatemalan tapir as Endangered.


It is a nocturnal feline that inhabits tropical rainforests located between the altitudes of 1,00 to 1,500 meters above sea level in Central and South America.

The loss of its natural habitat due mostly to uncontrolled logging and agriculture and its illegal hunting for the commercialization of its skin has caused the International Union for Conservation of Nature to catalog the ocelot as a vulnerable species, although as we have already mentioned above in many places its population is almost nonexistent.


Collared macaw

The scarlet macaw, also known by its scientific name Ara Macao, is one of the largest birds belonging to the family of psittacines to which parrots, parakeets and macaws are grouped.

The scarlet macaw, also known by its scientific name Ara Macao, is one of the largest birds belonging to the family of psittacines to which parrots, parakeets and macaws are grouped.

The population of the scarlet macaw in the past was one, although from the 1940s it was divided into two subspecies that inhabited the south coast of Guatemala and the other the north coast, specifically in the Petén region.

If we add to this the illegal hunting of these beautiful birds to sell them on the black market as pets, the IUCN has catalogued the scarlet macaw within its red list as a species of least concern and this is due to the increasing protection of its sanctuaries.

scarlet macaw

The Quetzal

The Quetzal is also known by its scientific name Pharomacrus mocinno. This beautiful bird is a medium-sized bird whose length is between 36 to 40 cm, the male has a large tail that can reach up to 65 cm long.

The Quetzal is also known by its scientific name Pharomacrus mocinno.

Unfortunately, the quetzal is listed as near-threatened on the IUCN endangered species list and its population is declining every year at such a rapid rate that in a very short time it could even disappear. More and more endangered species in Guatemala are on the verge of extinction, without help from all the inhabitants, little by little this great country will be left without the exquisite fauna that surrounds it.

quetzal centroamerica